Volume 7, Issue 1, 5773


God… Then and Now

Most people I know say they’ve never discussed their beliefs in God with family members. I still don’t know what my parents or brother believe when it comes to a higher power. I can tell you their favorite movies, foods, and jokes, but I have no idea if they pray. I realize the topic is personal, but the very act of trying to articulate our feelings might help define them. That’s why we at 614 have asked Jewish women to express how their beliefs about God have evolved over the years. We hope this issue will encourage you to think about your own beliefs and perhaps share them with someone else.

Michelle Cove, Editor,

In This Issue

  • Hear O’ Israel: Listen V7i1-01

    The Sh’ma, which always announced God’s presence to me, is different now that I have my own children.

  • The One Constant V7i1-02

    While I sometimes faked my way through rituals, I always sustained my faith in G-d.

  • A Partial Withdrawal from God V7i1-03

    To have not come up with an official stance regarding God sometimes makes me feel like an intellectual and spiritual failure.

  • A Shoebox of Hyphens V7i1-04

    I’ve never doubted G-d’s existence, but rather His power to step in and alter bad behavior.

  • A Reason to Bother V7i1-05

    I believe in a God that does not believe in perfection, for me or anyone else.

  • Resources - Vol 7, Issue 1 614 eZine Resources

    A sampling of resources that provide more information on beliefs in God.

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